2SLGBTQ+ and Gender Resources
Ban Righ Centre
Assists students who identify as women → focus on mature women students and mothers
Student advising, financial assistance, practical/personal support, events to create community
Levana Gender Advocacy Centre
Student-funded organization committed to fighting gender oppression and advocating for gender empowerment for those of any or no gender
Confidential referrals, creation of safe spaces for individuals who experience gender oppression, point of connection between groups and initiatives, alternative resource library and zine (self-published small magazines) collection
Reel Out Arts Project Inc
Queer film and video festival based out of Kingston
Celebrates queer media arts and programs materials that focus on issues of sexuality, race, culture, religion, class, gender, ability, health, and age
LGBT Youth Line
Peer-support phone, text, and chat services
TEXT 4 pm - 9:30 pm at 647-694-4275 -
LIVE CHAT 4 pm - 9:30 pm at https://www.youthline.ca/our-programs/peer-support/
Rainbow Health
Provides education, training, and resources to better the healthcare experience for 2SLGBTQ+ community members